Simple and Easy Moving Tips
Moving is a difficult and stressful time in our lives but we can do several things to make it easieron ourselves. Listed within this article are several simple and easy moving tips that will lessen
the likelihood of things going wrong during moving day and make the whole process much
easier in general.
Colored stickers
Designate a color for each room of your house and use colored dot stickers on the door of each
one. Use these same colored stickers on the corresponding boxes that contain each room’s
contents so that when you arrive at your new home, you know where each box will go. Ahead
of time, in your new home, use the same color stickers and place them on the doors of each
room they belong to. This will be a big help for your Jersey City movers
Set priorities straight
Either get numbered stickers or white labeling stickers and place them on each box. Label
boxes as number ‘1’ if you need to unpack them immediately to help you settle in your new
home more quickly. Things that should be considered as a ‘1’ can include the following:
● Dishes and cookware
● Clothes
● Cleaning supplies
● Hygiene products
● Tools
● Linens and bedding
Label boxes as a ‘2’ if you need to use them within the next few weeks and likely up till the next
month but not necessarily right after moving. Things that people generally consider as a ‘2’
● Books
● Decorations
● DVDs
Boxes labelled with a ‘3’ are things that you’ll be needing some time in the year like seasonal
clothes and holiday decor and any boxes labelled as ‘4’ are things meant for storage. Once you
have labelled all your belongings accordingly, you will have saved yourself dozens of hours of
digging through boxes for things you need right away. Inform your Jersey City movers of this
system so they can adjust their loading to accommodate your needs.
Give yourself a lot of time
To minimize the stress of moving day, make sure you give yourself plenty for packing. Ideally,
you want all your things ready to go a few days ahead of time to give yourself time to take care
of any emergencies. The ideal time to begin is 2 months ahead of time. Start by packing things
that should go in boxes labelled ‘4’ and ‘3’ and set them aside.
Get rid of extra items
Packing for moving day is the ideal time to get rid of things you don’t need any more. You’ll
have the added benefit of cleaning up your house and having much less things to unpack when
you move into your new home. Things that you don’t need anymore but are in good condition
can be donated to charities or even sold via garage sale or online auctions. Everything else
should be recycled or thrown away.
Bring important things with you
Important documents like social security cards, birth certificates, and other valuable documents
should be with you at all times. So long as you keep these in a secure case and transport them
in your car rather than let your Jersey City movers handle them, you eliminate the chances of
losing them altogether.
Moving is difficult but following these tips should be able to make things go more smoothly for
you and help you transition to your new home.
Call Easy Made Movers Of Jersey City Now At (201) 268 5873 For A Fast & Free Estimate!